Our waivers can now be filled out before coming to the Park. Once completed screenshot and save the QR code generated. Present this QR code to our staff to be checked in faster. Note this is not a ticket, or pass, just the waiver. Must be completed per person.
**Adult & Minor Waiver with QR code will be coming soon. For now person waivers are the only option for those two forms
Minors under the age of 18 are not allowed to enter the Park without their parent with them or a Temporary Guardian (who is over the age of 21). This form places a child in the sole responsibility of said Temporary Guardian.
The Temporary Guardian will then fill out a minor form for the child. Please have this electronic waiver filled out before coming to Hidden Falls.
Temporary Guardian Form
Adult & Minor Waiver Form
Anyone 18 or older will fallout the Adult waiver. Minor waivers will be filled out by an Adult.
Any Adults filling out Minor waivers must do so for their own child and must be present at check in. If you're bring your nieces/nephews you will need their parents to place you as the Temporary Guardian